What is Scottish Cross?Home > Scottish Cross 2025 > What is Scottish Cross
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What is Scottish Cross?
Scottish Cross is a Christian cross-carrying Holy Week pilgrimage to Iona, rooted in the Catholic tradition but open to all. The pilgrimage starts walking on Palm Sunday and continues throughout Holy Week until we reach our destination of Iona on Easter Saturday. We then celebrate the Easter weekend together before departing home on Easter Monday.
The pilgrimage is a time away from the pressures of normal life to allow each person to focus on re-charging their spiritual batteries. We carry a large wooden cross as a pilgrim group over some challenging terrain, with a focus on reflections and prayers as we go. The pilgrimage relies on those who take part to support and share with one another and thus enhance the building of community, which is so important throughout our journey. As our pilgrim walk progresses through Holy Week, we in turn through scripture follow Christ's journey, from his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his death on Good Friday and subsequent resurrection on Easter Sunday.
In total the route is around 100 miles, so pilgrims need a good level of fitness to walk the average of 16 miles a day. We do, however, have a support minibus to carry our luggage and food, so you can take a day off walking and help with cooking if you need to.
We have space for 24 pilgrims and have reserved 8 spaces for new pilgrims and allocated 16 spaces for returners. As this is the case once you have submitted your application form we will write to you to confirm your place, hopefully within 48 hours. Once your space is confirmed, you can send us your deposit.
For more details on this year's walk, please read our Q&As.
If you have any other questions, please do email us.