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From the First Scotrail site it is possible to obtain not only all the Scottish timetables but also apex tickets for the West Highland Way train. Citylink provide the cheapest and often the quickest way of travelling to and from the highlands (£16.90 single from Oban to Glasgow, or £5 if you book well in advance and tickets are available). The Calmac site gives full details of the timetables for both the Craignure ferry (the ferry from Oban to Craignure on Mull) and the Iona ferry (from Fionnphort on Mull to Iona).
This year the accommodation is more basic but fuller details are available on request. The details of SYHA Youth Hostels can be found from the SYHA site.
Other Holy Week Pilgrimages
Student Cross is an annual Easter Pilgrimage to Walsingham in Norfolk. It is made up of students and former students from the UK and around the world. Over 200 pilgrims walk in 9 groups from various parts of England to Walsingham each carrying a large wooden cross.
Northern Cross has run for more than 25 years during the week leading up to Easter. Several groups of pilgrims have been walking together from various places in the North of England and Scotland for between 70 and 120 miles to Holy Island on the Northumbrian coast of England carrying a large heavy cross.